Baptism Preparation Sessions

baptism preparation

Parents prepare to have their children baptized by attending an information meeting. This class will help them understand what Baptism is all about and why it is so important to the life of their child, and what their responsibilities are as Christian parents. Please register by calling the Parish Office.

Planning a Baptism?

One of the disciplines of Lent is fasting. As Catholics, we fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. As individuals, we may “give up” a food or an activity for Lent. The Church fasts even at liturgy: we omit the Gloria and the singing of the “Alleluia”. It further points us to Easter, when we all renew our baptismal promises and are sprinkled with “baptismal water” blessed at the most important liturgy of the Church’s year, the Easter Vigil.

We, therefore, encourage parents who seek the baptism of their infant in the upcoming months to plan for a celebration after Easter Sunday. There is no better time to celebrate Baptism than within the Easter season.


Infants – 3 years old

St. Edna Office Email

Children 4 – 18 years old

Heather Daudelin Email

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