To submit an article to the Bulletin Editor, please type your information in Microsoft Word or compatible software and attach the document in an Email to the Bulletin Editor, please indicate topic in the subject line. If this cannot be done, please print out your article and bring it to the Parish Office before the Bulletin deadline.
If emailing bulletin articles, all articles and accompaniments (pictures, etc.) must be ATTACHED to the email. It can be a PDF, JPEG, Word or Excel file, etc. Where possible, please include both the graphic and source file.
Emailed articles that are included in the body of the email are no longer accepted, and you will be asked to resubmit as an attachment.
The reason we are asking email submissions to be attached is because it affects the bulletin file on our computers, making it much larger than it needs to be. This in turn slows the program down and can even cause pictures and text to "disappear" from the file. We really appreciate your cooperation in helping to streamline this process. Thank you.
Due to printer's schedules, we must adhere to strict bulletin deadlines. All bulletin articles are due a minimum of 12 days before the Sunday bulletin you'd like them to appear in.
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Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
F: 847-394-5226
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