Parish Life Ministries

parish life ministries

For all of the information on our Commission, or for an idea of what we’re doing, please contact the Parish Office at 847-398-3362


Try your luck at one of our Bingo nights. Must be 21 or older to participate. Tickets are available after Mass in the weekends leading up to the event or you can buy tickets at the door (until capacity).

Coffee with Friends

Every Tuesday Morning, after 8am Mass!  Come and share a meal and catch up with each other.

Gardening for God

The gardens of St. Edna create a beautiful environment that is welcoming and a peaceful way to begin our worship experience. Regular members assume responsibility for a specific garden plot, which includes watering, weeding, pruning, and whatever it takes to make the gardens flourish.

Gift card ministry

We have numerous gift cards available for your purchase.  Something for every occasion.

Gift cards are sold in the office during business hours, and in the Narthex on the first weekend of the month.

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus offers the opportunity for fellowship with those who are of the same religious beliefs, who recognize the same duty to God, to family and to neighbors and who stand side by side in defense of those beliefs.

Men's Club

To promote fellowship through a community of Social, Charitable, and Inspirational Spiritual activities.

Men's Golf League

Fancy yourself to be a Tiger Woods protégé? Every second Saturday starting in May until September is a chance to show off your skills with a golf club. You need not wear a red polo shirt to play.

Pancake Breakfast

For over 30 years, Parish Life has been sponsoring the Pancake Breakfast in early December. Come spend a morning visiting with your neighbors and enjoying delicious pancakes and sausage. Santa might make a surprise appearance, so you better be good for goodness sake!


Do you consider yourself an amateur Charles O'Rear or Annie Leibovitz? We're always looking for interested persons who would be willing to take pictures for a one or a variety of ministries at events throughout the year. Need a photographer for one of your parish events? Please contact the Parish Office at 847.398.3362

Sharing Coffee

Sharing in our faith and thankful for our blessings, non-perishables are brought by parishioners to help restock our food pantry and donuts, bagels and beverages are provided in the Doherty Center on the third Sunday of every month, except December.

Snack Theatre Group

The St. Edna Snack Theatre ministry is made up of approximately 30 adult cast members and over 100 additional behind the scenes volunteers. Our main event is our spring parish musical, a musical review featuring our cast members in a variety of songs and dance.

St. Edna Craft & Vendor Fair

St. Edna's annual craft and vendor fair features various craft and vendor items, such as, jewelry, holiday items, cooking supplies, wood crafts, Pampered Chef, Tupperware, and much more. Look for us every year; usually the third weekend in October.

We are always looking for volunteers for the craft fair. This year it will be held on October 12 and 13, 2024. If interested in participating or to be a volunteer, please contact Stacey Kelly HERE.

Trivia Night

Trivia Night is an event held at St. Edna every year, with the intention of bringing the community together to compete in 8 rounds of trivia. The event is held on a Saturday evening, and everyone of all ages is invited to attend. The next trivia night will early 2025. 

Welcoming Ministry

Interested in becoming members of the St. Edna community? Our monthly Welcoming Sessions allow you to learn more about the parish and enroll as parishioners.

Women of St. Edna (WOSE)

The Women of St. Edna (WOSE) are a group of women from various walks of life who meet monthly to share their faith, friendship and fellowship. There are six guilds that usually meet monthly at different times.

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