This ministry helps the gathered community at worship during the parish liturgies by assisting the presider and deacon at the altar.
Prepare the physical church environment for each of the seasons of the liturgical year.
Baptism Facilitators
Greet families of infants who are to be baptized on Sunday afternoons, and prepare the worship space for baptisms.
Baptismal Vests
Provides a new white garment sewn by members of the St. Edna community as an outward sign of Christian dignity.
Camera Operators
For designated liturgies, ensures the recording and broadcasting of the liturgy is available to assist the assembly with worship. Contact: Frank Starshak, 847.398.3362
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Our Eucharistic Ministers help the gathered community become closer to Christ and each other by assisting with the distribution of the Body and Precious Blood of Christ at weekend and weekday liturgies or at weekday Communion Services.
Provide hospitality that creates a warm and welcoming environment for the members of the community prior to the Liturgy.
Holy Dusters
Maintain the worship space and worship materials for all members of the St. Edna community. A job description is available upon request.
Nourish and strengthen the gathered community through the Word of God by proclaiming the Sacred Scriptures at weekend and weekday liturgies.
Liturgy of the Word for Children
Provides children with a special opportunity to experience God's Word proclaimed, hear a reflection rooted in our faith, and profess their faith through prayer.
Helps the gathered community express its faith through song by providing a musical foundation for the various roles and rites in the Liturgy.
Rosary Group
This prayer group meets on Monday-Thursday at 7:20am, prior to the 8:00am Mass, and Tuesdays at 6:45pm
Prepare the altar vessels and Eucharistic elements for the liturgical celebration and ensure that scheduled Liturgical ministers are present for their roles relating to the celebration of the Liturgy.
Serve the gathered assembly by providing order and hospitality in a manner that reflects the warmth and welcome of Christ.
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2525 N Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
F: 847-394-5226
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