2525 N. Arlington Heights Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Phone: 847-398-3362
Fax: 847-394-5226
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 7:00pm (closed Noon - 1pm)
Friday 8:30am - 1:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday Closed
Monday-Thursday the Parish Office will be closed from noon until 1pm for lunch hour
More information: Email
Us. We will respond during normal business hours.
Fr. Darrio Boscutti, Pastor, x337, Email: dboscutti@stedna.org
Laura Kniskern, Operations Manager, x305, Email: lkniskern@stedna.org​
Tom Walters, Maintenance, x317
We welcome new parishioners to Saint Edna. Registration takes place in the context of "Welcoming" - a process which provides parish orientation and hospitality for all newcomers. For more information, see Join St. Edna
Through the Emergency Closing Center, parishioners can check the status of Faith Formation sessions or parish meetings 24 hours a day, by any of the following methods:
Radio: WGN 720AM & WBBM 78AM
Phone: 800-662-4846
Online: www.emergencyclosingcenter.com
Search Information:
Facility Name: St. Edna Catholic Church, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Main Phone #: 847-398-3362
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Contact Us
2525 N Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
F: 847-394-5226
Web Access: