From the Perspective of a Helper Catechist
Being a Helper Catechist in the SPRED Program for two years, I have grown in my appreciation for the way God's Word is taught to the children who need a little extra help learning about Jesus and His abundant love for them. Guiding, leading by example, and encouraging the 6-10 year old participants in the St. Edna SPRED program continues to be a satisfying and enriching experience for me. The support and camaraderie of my fellow catechists reinforces my desire to make a positive contribution to the spiritual growth of the children. "Blessed are the pure of heart: For they shall see God."
Participation in the SPRED Ministry is a gentle reminder to me of the Church's mission to help all enter, one day, the Kingdom of Heaven. Let us truly be one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church.
Linda Hoskins
SPRED Catechist