Prayers & Sympathy

Prayers & sympathy

These are the names of those requesting prayers and for our recently departed,
as published in the weekly St. Edna bulletin.

Pray for our Sick

Requested Prayers (by family) 

Don McNair

Paul Mueller 

Dan Grabos

Bennett Moore

Glenn Rymsza

Bob Gaudio

Joseph Burke

These names are requested by family members.

Please contact the Parish Office for additional information.

Names will remain here 3 weeks.

Our deepest condolences to the family and friends for your loss.

Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace.


James Kuhr,
  husband of Marie,  father of Melissa Fasuna

Michael Gill,
  husband of Evelyn

Stan Stoklosa,
  husband of Theresa

Doris Duston,
   mother of Katie Fricke

MaryBeth Geibel,
   mother of Elizabeth Grewe

Dominick McNicholas,
   father of Michael,  father-in-law of Helene

Rita G. Reilly,
  mother of Kathleen Krieger

Joseph Saladino,
  husband of Toni, father of Theresa Calvert

Eugene Golemo,
  father of Cheryl

We list those parishioners who have recently passed, and have been published in our weekly bulletin, here on our web site. 

Where practical, we will link the online funeral home obituary to the name. We may not be aware of all the online funeral home obituaries.

Names will remain here up to 3 weeks.

For those who wish to donate for a loved one, we have an online "In Memory Of" donation page.

Please leave your loved one's name & your name, so we know who it's intended for.

Click: DONATE In Memory Of

(Donations are processed via GiveCentral.)

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