Women of St. Edna (WOSE)

women of st. edna (wose)

The Women of St. Edna are a group of women from various walks of life who meet monthly to share their faith, friendship and fellowship. There are five guilds that usually meet monthly at different times.

Women of St. Edna (WOSE)

The Women of St. Edna are a group of women from various walks of life who meet monthly to share their faith, friendship and fellowship. There are five guilds that usually meet monthly at different times.

Thank you!

Want to CONNECT with Us!!

We're Always Looking for ladies like you!

If you are interested in joining WOSE at any point throughout the year, Membership Chairwoman Christine Lucy is more than happy to meet you!

Please email Christine Lucy:  ChristineLucy@gmail.com for more information. 

Who We Are

The Women of St. Edna (WOSE) are a group of women from various walks of life — young and old, married, single, divorced or widowed, women employed outside of the home, homemakers, or retirees — We invite all the women in our community to become part of our organization.  Although our differences can be clearly seen, there is a common thread that links us all together. In addition to sharing our faith, we provide friendship, comfort, kindness, support and often times help to members and others who may be in need.

We generally meet in small groups (guilds) monthly in the morning, afternoon or evening. Several times a year we have events for which all groups gather together. These can be spiritual or social. 

The opportunity is yours to connect with W.O.S.E. and we welcome you to join at any time. 

Monthly Guild Meetings

  • Guild 1 (St. Martha) meets 9:30 AM on the first Monday
  • Guild 3 (St. Monica) meets 1:00 PM on the first Thursday
  • Guild 4 (St. Theresa) meets 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday
  • Guild 5 (St. Anne) meets 7:00 PM on the second Wednesday
  • Guild 6 (Mother Cabrini) meets 7:00 PM on first Wednesday


Where Our Money Goes

Funds raised from our events help to support a variety of ministries, including the St. Edna Outreach, St. Edna Community Table, St. James Social Care, Catholic Heart Work Camp, St. Edna's Maintenance Staff, St. Edna Community Table, St. Edna's Knit & Crochet Ministry, St. Edna's Prison Ministry, St. Edna's Respect Life Ministry, St. Edna's Domestic Abuse Ministry, and St. Edna's Office Staff.

How you can be "cozy with W.O.S.E"

Please contact the Parish Office at 847-398-3362 for more information.

Women of St. Edna (WOSE)

The Women of St. Edna (WOSE) are a group of women from various walks of life who meet monthly to share their faith, friendship and fellowship. There are five guilds that usually meet monthly at different times.

Upcoming Events




To join or to learn more about the Women of St. Edna, please contact the parish office at 847-398-3362.

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