Adult Confirmation (Vicariate I)

adult confirmation

Vicariate I

This program, for adults (18 and older - out of high school), prepares the participants for receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.


Are you an adult who has not celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation? Adult Confirmation classes meet for 8 weeks during the fall and spring and summer months throughout the Archdiocese. Preparation groups are forming now.

A candidate must:
  * be 18 years old
AND out of high school
  * have been baptized in the Catholic Church and
    received First Communion.

For additional information, please contact Lorie Crepeau:

Sessions meet monthly, and will begin
September 16, 2024 at St. Edna Parish.

To download the Registration Form, please click the link
below (instructions are on the form):

Please Download & Return:

        > Adult Confirmation Registration Form: Autumn of 2024 <


Lorie Crepeau

Pastoral Associate

847-398-3362 ext 325


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