The PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED on Monday, February 17th for Presidents Day. There will not be a 6:45 a.m. Communion Service that day. Mass will be at 8 a.m. and the Adoration Chapel will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Thanks to everyone who participated in last weekend’s W.O.S.E. BAKE SALE. Everything sold out by 1 p.m. on Sunday!
Congratulations to LIZY RESTREPO who received the annual Vicariate I GOLDEN ROSE AWARD for “excellence in ministry by a young woman” to our Parish. Father Jeremiah Boland (our Interim Vicar) presented the award to Lizy on Saturday, February 1st, at the Awards breakfast at the Chevy Chase Country Club. Thank you, Lizy, for all your faithful service to St. Edna Parish, especially your service to our Youth.
Our new STAINED-GLASS WINDOWS have been installed in the Church and they look beautiful by day and by night. I thank our donors for their generosity. The Daprato-Rigali Studios in Chicago designed the windows. A printed brochure explaining each window is available in the Narthex and at the Parish Office.
Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that a number of people are putting their feet on our upraised kneelers (using them as footrests) during Mass. This added weight and pressure weakens the brackets that hold the kneelers in place. Please use our kneelers only for their intended purpose of KNEELING in prayer and adoration. Thank you.
With less Police Officers signing up for traffic control after our weekend Masses, it’s more important than ever for us to be extra kind and patient to our fellow drivers when exiting our parking lot. Thank you!
Our Adoration Chapel is a wonderful place to find some personal peace. Pray before the EUCHARISTIC LORD Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Enter the Chapel through Door 4.
If you’re looking for a new ministry to take part in, please consider becoming a SLIDE MONITOR OPERATOR at one of our weekend Masses. Diane Knowlton will train you for this easy and worthwhile volunteer ministry.
Please don’t believe the many SCAM EMAILS and SCAM TEXTS that are always going around. They never stop! Please don’t believe them . Some are supposedly from me, or from our Deacons, or from Fr. Paul, asking you to contact us, or to purchase gift cards for us to distribute to other people. Don’t be fooled. We would NEVER ask you to do this kind of thing, no matter “how busy” these messages say we might be. Just DELETE these scam requests and save yourself some major headaches and financial losses .
We can always use a few more Altar Servers at our weekend Masses. The parents of any interested boys or girls should contact Deacon Joe or Fr. Paul for training.
Our Rosary Group is praying a continuous SPIRITUAL BOUQUET “for peace in the world” , so please continue praying Rosaries and Hail Mary’s and letting Tomi Gaudio know at so she can keep count. As of this writing, over 401,568 Hail Mary’s have been prayed.
May our prayers for many be heard and granted. May the good Lord bless our world.
Fr. Darrio
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Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
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