
Upcoming Events

Ongoing Events and More


Takes place most Thursdays, either inside the Parish Center  or outside  (behind the Parish Center) at 7 pm. Please wear athletic shoes!


Come and enjoy where breakfast and fellowship are served every Tuesday, after the 8:00 am Mass.   Served in the Doherty Center.

Catholic Family Movement (CFM)

We get together for spiritual and social events.  Watch the newsletter & bulletin for our events.

MOYA  Group (Ministry of Young Adults) 

MOYA meets on Wednesdays, from 7:30 pm. until 9:00 pm. Young Adults (age 18-30) are invited to our Teen Center (enter through Door #5) for weekly socializing, prayer, fellowship, and an occasional Service Project. This is a group of great young adults.

t.b.d. Group

We meet monthly for spiritual and social events.  Watch the newsletter & bulletin for our events.


This table is staffed before and after each weekend Mass, by the members of our various Councils, Commissions, and Groups, who will help you with any questions or concerns you may have.  Stop by the Table,  located  at the west end of the Narthex, for information about our Parish and our Ministries and Organizations.

is open twelve hours a day, Monday through Friday, from 7 am until 7 pm.
Spend some peaceful, quality time with the Eucharistic Lord. Enter the Church from Door #4 (outside the Community Room patio).

Anointing of the Sick

If you are seriously ill in mind, body or soul, please attend the 8:00am Mass on First Fridays and receive the Anointing of the Sick after Mass in the Narthex near the Holy Family Statue.


Confessions take place on the First and Third Saturdays of the month in our Church Reconciliation Room from 8 am to 8:45 am. You can always call Fr. Darrio or Fr. Paul to set up an appointment for Confession at a different time, if you prefer.

Blessed Sacrament

For those who would like to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, please know that our original 1965 St. Edna Tabernacle (with the Blessed Sacrament inside) is positioned in the NORTH window of the Holy Family Shrine niche. Feel free, day or night, to stop for a while and pray. We also have a framed Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a beautiful Blessed Mother statue positioned to the left and to the right of the Narthex window Tabernacle. 

Parish Offerings: A mail/drop box is mounted on the brick column outside of Office Entrance Door #6. Feel free to drop off your weekly donation envelopes in this box at any time, or if you prefer, you can come inside during our regular Office hours and drop off your donation envelopes in the Parish Office. Thank you for your generous support of our Parish. You can always mail your envelopes to us, if that is easier for you, or you might want to consider electronic giving instead. There is a Give Central link on our website (it is safe!) for those considering electronic giving. Parishioners who donate using Give Central  really love it. About one-third of our contributions arrive electronically.

Prayer Basket

Our PRAYER BASKET is available in the Center Aisle. Feel free to drop your prayer requests in it before Mass. The basket is brought to the Altar at Offertory Time, along with the Gifts of Bread and Wine.

Outreach Ministry

Thanks for keeping our Outreach Ministry going. This is dependent on you and your generosity with groceries. Please keep our shelves filled so we can continue helping the poor. Your food donations can be brought INSIDE Entrance 6 during Office hours.  Outreach food DISTRIBUTION takes place SATURDAY MORNINGS, from 9 am until 11:45 am.

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