The Gift of Love is a program to provide for needy individuals and families at Christmas time.
The program provides needy families in our area with local store gift cards that the family can then buy gifts and food to help them enjoy the holiday with less financial stress. We hope you can help us keep this program alive and provide help and joy to the many families in need.
We expect St. Edna, St. James, Little City, will have the usual total of over 100 needy families with sizes ranging from 1 to 10. Please consider giving an amount that is appropriate to the size of a family you would like to help. If you are new to the program, feel certain that 100% of your donation goes toward buying gifts and food to help needy families have a joyful Christmas. Plus, we purchase the gift cards through St. Edna which will also helps our parish.
Prior to 11/19/2024 please select one of these ways to safely donate:
A. Make out a check to “St. Edna/Gift of Love” and mail it to
St. Edna Catholic Church
2525 N. Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL. 60004.
You can also drop it off in the parish office or put it in the service collection basket.
Please also include your phone # and email.
~ OR ~
B. Go directly to Give Central: CLICK HERE.
**IMPORTANT** - Please make your donation on or before 11/19/2024.
For more information or to participate in this ministry as a Sponsor or Volunteer, please contact:
St. Edna Office:
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Contact Us
2525 N Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
F: 847-394-5226
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