We are a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to raising awareness of what domestic abuse is, offering information on where to find help, and advocating for the prevention of domestic abuse in our community.
Domestic abuse/violence can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender.
It affects couples who are married, living together or dating. Abuse hurts people of all socioeconomic and educational backgrounds.
Domestic abuse is a repetitive pattern of behaviors used to exert power and control over another within an intimate relationship. These are behaviors that physically harm, arouse fear, coerce, intimidate, and isolate. Abuse may include the use of physical or sexual violence, threats and intimidation, emotional or spiritual abuse, and economic deprivation. Many of these different forms of abuse can be going on at any one time.
Domestic abuse doesn't look the same in every relationship because every relationship is different. But one thing most abusive relationships have in common is that the abusive partner uses many ways to gain power and control over another. Domestic abuse often escalates and controlling behavior may often grow to include physical violence.
Domestic abuse hurts the victim, the abuser, and those who witness the abuse.
Content in this brochure excerpted from the National Domestic Violence Hotline at www.thehotline.org
Teen dating violence is defined as the physical, psychological, sexual or emotional violence within a dating relationship, including stalking. It can occur in person or electronically, from a current or former partner.
Teens often think behaviors like teasing or name-calling are "normal" parts of a relationship, but these behaviors can become abusive and develop into more serious forms of violence.
Communicating with your partner, managing uncomfortable emotions like anger and jealousy, and treating others with respect are a few ways to keep relationships healthy and nonviolent.
The Teen Dating Violence link on the right has additional information and resources on effective prevention strategies and where to go for help.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
24 hour hotline
800-799-SAFE (or 800-799-7233)
800-787-3224 (TTY)
National Teen Dating Violence Helpline
24 hour helpline
Illinois Domestic Violence
24 hour hotline
Rolling Meadows Courthouse
24 hour helpline
24 hour hotline
Chicagoland Domestic Violence
24 hour helpline
Arlington Heights Police Department
Victim Services
St.Edna Parish
AofC Domestic Violence Outreach
Domestic Abuse Awareness Guide
Upcoming Events
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Hurley Center Rooms A & B
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
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2525 N Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
F: 847-394-5226
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