Nourish and strengthen the gathered community through the Word of God by proclaiming the Sacred Scriptures at weekend and weekday liturgies.
Training for this ministry consists of attending an Archdiocese training session and a St. Edna training session with the Cooridnator of Lectors. Each lector will receive a Workbook that contains the scriptures for the liturgical year, from which to prepare. In addition, an annual Evening of Renewal is provided for all liturgical ministers to reflect on their role as a minister and a member of St. Edna's Catholic community.
This ministry is open to those with a good speaking voice, a willingness to study and pray the scriptures, as well as a high comfort with professing the Word before the gathered community. Those interested in becoming a lector are welcome to join at any time during the year. During the liturgical year certain feasts and seasons may require additional preparation. Lectors are scheduled to serve in at least one weekend liturgy a month, through our on-line scheduling program, Ministry Scheduler Pro. Prior to their assigned liturgy, lectors are to prepare by studying the three scriptures for the assigned liturgy (found in the workbook), pray on the scripture passage to be proclaimed, and practice the proclamation of the Word. On the day of their assigned liturgy, lectors are to arrive and check in at mass at least 20 minutes prior to the start of liturgy. Before liturgy the lector should check that the microphone and lectionary at the ambo are ready for use.
Marie Schalke
Coordinator of Lectors
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