The fundamental premise of the program is that the Church, the Sacraments, and the Love of God are here for all of us.
For the past five years, I have been blessed to be part of the SPRED Community at St. Edna Parish.
Our SPRED community ministers to children ages six to ten years old.
Micki Naylor is our leader catechist; Peggy Downing is our activity catechist; Kathie Galvani, Linda Hoskins, Cynthia Jochum, Kathy Mannard, Jeanne McLaughlin and Jeannie Williams are catechists for our friends.
SPRED mornings begin with greetings to each one entering our prepared activity room. The lights are dim and soft music is playing. We are invited to select a creative work that quiets us to hear the Word of God.
One by one we are invited to enter the holy room.
“The prepared environment and the attitude of the catechists foster a sense of the sacred, a prayerful awareness, an attitude of celebrating in a community of faith.”
We listen. We share. Jesus is with us. The leader catechist reads from the Holy Book and holding our hands, a message is given one-by-one.
The message may be:
"________”, Jesus says to you today: I am with you; I will show you the way.
We leave the holy room with raised hands and voices in praise and song.
We prepare our table; together we share a small meal reflecting the sharing of the Eucharist at Mass.
Our goodbyes are said with smiles, hugs, loud voices, whispers…it has been good to be together.
For more information about SPRED, please call the St. Edna Office at 847-398-3362. I look forward to speaking with you.
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Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
F: 847-394-5226
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