Communion and visitation to those in the home, hospital, or nursing home.
What is Ministry of Care? It is a group of people who have been trained and commissioned to visit with, pray with, and bring communion to those in our parish who are sick and unable to attend mass; those who are homebound, in the hospital or in a nursing home.
Jesus answered: “Anyone who loves me will be true to my word, and my Father will love him;
we will come to him and make our dwelling place with him.” John 14:23
As a community of faith, we pray that the ministers of care always strive to be examples of Christian living in faith and conduct; and continue to grow in holiness through this sacrament of unity and love.
Nursing Home - Ministers of Care will visit and bring Communion to St.Edna parishioners at nursing homes in the area.
Hospital - Ministers of Care make visits and bring Communion to St. Edna parishioners in Northwest Community Hospital on a regular basis.
Homebound - A Minister of Care will visit with and bring Communion to those who are unable to attend Mass on a regular basis. Usually one care minister is assigned to someone who is homebound allowing a comfortable and meaningful relationship.
Training sessions occur during the year. They are typically 2 days.
CLICK HERE to view any upcoming training sessions.
Questions? Please contact either
Deacon Joseph Yannotta at JYANNOTTA@STEDNA.ORG or
Diane Yannotta, Ministry Coordinator at
The Ministry Meetings are held periodically, usually on Thursday. The larger "Cluster" Meetings are held once a quarter, and include care ministers from neighboring parishes as well. Speakers are hired to share helpful information.
Ministers of Care are usually attend training sessions by invitation or personal discernment and discussion with the Director of Human Concerns/Care Coordinator. When training is completed, the new ministers are commissioned and receive a name tag, a pix, and a book for communion service.
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P: 847-398-3362
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