Prepares the physical church environment for each of the seasons of the liturgical year.
No formal training is required of A&E ministers but they should have a desire to learn and grow in their understanding of the textures, signs, and symbols that express our Catholic faith. Familiarity and an "eye" for color, design, fabric, and floral arrangements are useful attributes. An annual Evening of Renewal is provided for all liturgical ministers to reflect on their role as a minister and a member of St. Edna Catholic Community.
Those interested in serving are welcome to join at anytime during the year. Certain seasons, feast days, and Sacraments (Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Holy Week) may require some additional decoration and maintenance. Ministers will be asked to assist with decorating the worship space, preparing plants from the florist, and maintaining the environment during the seasons. Those individuals talented with sewing, crafting, floral arrangements will see their talents put to use throughout the year.
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Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
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