Pastoral Council Members

pastoral council Members

Biographical information about each of the members of the Pastoral Council.


Ann Cole  - bio information is pending.

Join: 2023

My name is Peter Harley. My wife, Alison and I became parishioners of Saint Edna in 2021. I am a lector at this parish. 

I am originally from New York City and moved into the area in 2020 where my wife had grown up. I am happy to share my gifts with this parish and continue to welcome others as others have welcomed me.

Join: 2023

My name is Nancy Holpuch.  I’ve recently retired after being on staff at St. Edna for 26 years. During my years at St.Edna,  I was blessed to work with the young people of our parish as the Youth Minister.   My husband Bob and I are enjoying retirement with a bit of traveling, spending time with family, doing a some of volunteering and just taking it easy.  

Join: 2022

My name is Steven Jabek.  I have been a parishioner at St. Edna since 1992 with my wife Beth.  We have three daughters Kathryn, Melissa and Emily.  I am an usher at the 5pm Saturday mass and was on the finance board from 1997 to 2003.

My name is Natalie (Murtaugh) Kolb. I have been going to St. Edna’s since I was nine years old. I grew up singing in the children's and teen choir. I also was an altar server and was very involved in youth ministry. 

I went away to Elmhurst College where I met my husband. We got married at St. Edna in the beginning of 2024 and moved to Palatine. 

My husband completed the OCIA program and made his communion and confirmation this year at St. Edna. 

Join: 2024

My name is Richie Krauss.

Join: 2024

My name is Deb Krzeczowski. I became a parishioner at St. Edna’s in 2013 after moving back to the Arlington Heights area. I chose St. Edna as my parish because of the welcoming spirit I felt the first time I walked through the door. During my time at St. Edna I have been a member of WOSE and the Gardening for God ministry, I am a Sacristan, an Eucharistic Minister and I assisted in safely reopening the church during the pandemic.  I am an animal lover and am currently “Dog Mom” to my third rescue Golden Retriever, River. This is my first year as a member of the Pastoral Council and I look forward to serving the Parish Community.

Join: 2021

I am Barb Long.  My husband and I have been parishioners at St. Edna more than 25 years.  We raised our two sons here from baptism, religious education, confirmation to adulthood.  When my children were young I volunteered with the Children's Liturgy.  In 2020 I joined the Reopening St. Edna team as a greeter/usher to help our parish through Covid-19 and continue to usher at the 11:30 mass.  I now look forward to offering my resources on the Pastoral Council.

Join: 2021

My name is Neri Mascarenhas.  Our family was welcomed to St. Edna’s in 2022, and eventually became parishioners. 

Moving across continents has been our biggest change so far and not the easiest one I’d say. We are a family of 6 - my hubby Clive, two girls Keira and Keisha (now altar servers) and two furry kids - cat Brandy and puppy Snow. 

Presently a Religious Ed teacher at St. Edna and co-chair for CFM. This is my first year as a member of the Pastoral Council and I look forward to being involved and supporting the Parish Community.

Join: 2024 

 I am Anne Mura.  I have been a member of St. Edna’s since 1985. In 1987 I became a lector and have been one ever since.  Since retiring I have been busy at the senior center as a Medicare counselor, a tax preparer and a teacher in the computer lab. During the years of 2014 to 2016 I was president of the women of St. Edna. For some years I have also been a sacristan. I  have been a member of the worship council for several years and will continue as a liaison while on the pastoral council.

Join: 2021

My name is JoAnn Tennenbaum. My husband, and I have been members of St Edna for over 25 years.  When my son was young. I was a teacher in the Religious Ed program as well a homilist for the Children’s Liturgy Program on Sundays. I have been a past member of the Parish Life Committee and recently have been involved with The Taste of St Edna.  I am a retired  fourth grade teacher and  I look forward to being on the Pastoral Council.

Join: 2023

My name is Jean Williams.  I have been a member of St Edna’s parish since 1991.   In the past I supported VBS and the welcoming committee. Currently I am an EM at 9:30 Mass, involved with SPRED and liaison to the worship committee.  I am helping with Taste of St. Edna.  This is my first year on pastoral council.  I look forward to supporting the parish in a new way.

Join: 2021.

My name is Brad Worrell.  My wife and I joined St. Enda in 2021 after moving to Arlington Heights.  We were immediately drawn to St. Edna because of the welcoming spirit shown to us by St. Edna's parishioners.  Grace and I have a toddler named Evie as well as our newborn, Bennett.  We love attending bingo and weekly volleyball at St. Edna!  If you see us at 9:30 mass, be sure to say "Hello!"

Join: 2023.

I am Deacon Joe Yannotta. My wife Diane and I have been members of St. Edna for 25 years. Our involvement in ministry began with Care Ministry and visiting and bring the Eucharist to nursing homes, hospitals and home bound individuals. My involvement in ministry lead me eventually to serve in our faith community as an ordained permanent deacon. Besides fulfilling my diaconate duties I am also involved in Bereavement Ministry, Prison Ministry, Care Ministry and serve on the Human Concerns Commission as well as the Parish Council.

Council Members

Steve Jabek


Fr. Paul Barwikowski

Fr. Darrio Boscutti
Ann Cole

Peter Harley
Nancy Holpuch
Alice Kurtyka (Rec.)
Deb Krzeczowski
Barb Long

Anne Mura
JoAnn Tennenbaum

Jeannie Williams

Brad Worrell
Deacon Joe Yannotta

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