SPRED Family Perspective

SPRED Family Perspective

The fundamental premise of the program is that the Church, the Sacraments, and the Love of God are here for all of us.

Not too long ago, when our daughter/granddaughter (who is enrolled in a school with special education classes) was not receiving any religious education, we came upon an article about a program at St. Edna’s called SPRED.

This program is for children with special challenges. Enrolling her in this was one of the best things we ever did for her.

The wonderful people involved welcomed her and immediately made her feel at ease while learning about Jesus. She absolutely loves these sessions and the catechists who help her.

After a short time, she made friends, joined the Children's Choir and the biggest surprise of all she is making her First Holy Communion in June.

There are no words to express our appreciation for all that she has learned and accomplished and we sincerely thank the people involved in SPRED for giving her such a wonderful experience and changing her life dramatically.

As Jesus said, “Let the Children Come”.

Grateful, Mom & Grandma

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