The fundamental premise of the program is that the Church, the Sacraments, and the Love of God are here for all of us.
As Emma will be moving on to the St. Alphonsus group in the fall, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for providing such a loving and important religious experience for our kids.
It is very rare to find volunteers willing to consistently give up their Saturday mornings for kids that can be very challenging at times. What is more rare is for me to feel completely comfortable with Emma being out of my care and know that she is safe.
I sincerely thank you for your service to the community and our kids. Our spiritual lives are fuller for having been a part of your group and my memories of Emma's First Holy Communion will be with me always.
I also wish to thank the other parents for sharing their wonderful kids with our community. I have truly valued the time Emma has spent getting to know these wonderful little people in an environment outside of school.
SPRED is an amazing testament to the wonderful generosity and spiritual guidance of the Catholic faith.
Thank you for the time we have spent together.
Vicky Platt
June 2014
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