To Teach Who Christ Is

to teach who christ is

"To Teach Who Christ Is" is a capital and endowment campaign to raise a minimum of $350 million in gifts and pledges for parishes, faith formation and Catholic education, such as through scholarships, and grants for facility improvements.

How Will St. Edna Parish Benefit?

As part of the total $350 million goal, To Teach Who Christ Is will raise a minimum of $150 million to support local needs in every parish across Chicago.

Our goal at St. Edna is $3,200,000. We will receive approximately 75% of the funds raised. We will also receive 100% of any funds raised should we exceed our goal. This means we will receive a minimum of $2,400,000 for our local needs when we reach our goal!

Our share of the funds will be directed to complete funding of our new Parish Life Center:

Through "Bringing Our Vision to Life," we raised more than $4,600,000 in pledge commitments. Thank you for your extraordinary generosity! To date, the parish has received approximately $3,780,000 of what was pledged. In order to fully fund the construction of the Parish Life Center, we need direct all funds raised by To Teach Who Christ Is to this project.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will the campaign help local parishes?

We all belong to one local Church of Chicago. Central to this effort is ensuring that parishes are strong and vibrant communities of faith, bearing hope through their presence, sacramental life and ministries. To Teach Who Christ Is seeks to assist parishes in responding to their own issues while creating funds to support those in need throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago. Joining together as an Archdiocese will strengthen the work of the Church in neighborhoods throughout Chicago and suburban Lake and Cook counties.

How will the funds be allocated?

To Teach Who Christ Is seeks to raise $350 million: $150 million is earmarked for paish needs, to be determined locally; $150 million for scholarships to Catholic schools through the Catholic Education Scholarship Trust; $30 million for facility life safely projects; $10 million for religious education training for catechists; $8 million for academic excellence programs in Catholic schools; and $12 million for innovative new religious education programs.

Why emphasize pledges?

To Teach Who Christ Is emphasizes pledging because it allows individuals and families the opportunity to consider larger commitments than they could usually consider if making a one-time gift. Those who pledge gifts are able to consider gifts four to five times larger than those who make a one-time gift. Pledged commitments will be requested over five years.

How should subsequent payments be made to fulfill a pledge?

Donors may choose to fulfill their pledge by making monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments. The Archdiocese of Chicago will process all gifts, provide an acknowledgdment letter, articulate the identified schedule for payment reminders, and send payment reminders directly to donors according to the identified schedule.

If a donor has not received a gift acknowledgdment in a timely manner, please contact the campaign office at 312-534-8500. Payments on To Teach Who Christ Is pledges should not be made to the parish or included in the parish offertory basket. The Archdiocese of Chicago will facilitate this process to ensure parishes are not burdened with the additional task of auditing payments during the five-year pledge period.

Are gifts to the campaign tax deductible?

You will receive an acknowledgement of your gift for tax purposes. In addition, please consult with tax and financial experts.

Campaign Update

Our To Teach Who Christ Is team continues to invite more and more families to participate each week. If you have not received a call from one of our volunteers already, please expect one in the weeks ahead. We ask that you keep an open mind, an open heart, and an open door. Please accept volunteers’ invitations to briefly visit in a home or at the parish. Our goal in this campaign is two-fold: to meet our financial target so that we can address our needs, and to build an even stronger community of faith with a shared vision for our future. Visiting with fellow parishioners accomplishes both, hand-in-hand.


Callout Title

Campaign Updates:

We have raised more than $1,867,782 thanks to the commitments from 558 families!
Figures reported as of June 15, 2018


Parish Goal: $3,200,000
Total Pledged
: $1,867,782
Percent of Goal
: 59%
Number of Pledges
: 558
Average Gift
: $3,520

Campaign Prayer

Almighty and ever-loving God,
Your Son is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
As his disciples, we follow his way,
Believe his truth, and live his life.
Heavenly Father,
raise up a new generation of disciples
with fervor and eagerness
to teach and proclaim Jesus Christ,
risen from the dead,
the One who tells who we are,
shows us how to love,
and assures our salvation.
Bless this Archdiocesan Campaign
"To Teach Who Christ Is."
Lord God,
may donors discover in themselves
your gift of a generous and sacrificial spirit
that flows from a love for the Church
and supports her mission
to teach who Christ is.
May the pattern of holiness,
the Virgin Mary, Christ's mother and ours,
open our hearts anew with the desire
for your will to be done,
through Jesus Christ,
your Son and Our Lord.

For More Information

Parish Office: 847-398-3362
To Teach Who Christ Is Office: 312-534-8500

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