Serve the gathered assembly by providing order and hospitality in a manner that reflects the warmth and welcome of Christ.
Ushers will meet with the Head Usher or Coordinator of Ushers at their first scheduled liturgy. The new Usher will be provided real time mentoring, training, and instruction. Throughout the year, brief meetings/training may be scheduled to ensure information and preparation for the liturgial seasons and holidays. In addition, an annual Evening of Renewal is provided for all liturgical ministers to reflect on their role as a minister and a member of the St. Edna's Catholic community.
Ushers need to be dependable, approachable, and have a welcoming spirit. Those interested in serving are welcome to join at anytime during the year. Ushers must be able to make a commitment to serve consistently at weekend liturgies and throughout the year based on the needs of the liturgical seasons and celebrations. Ushers are expected to arrive at church at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the liturgy. Ushers will wear a provided name badge when assisting in seating their fellow worshipers, and remain attentive to the worhsiper's special needs. Ushers facilitate selection of a family to present the gifts during the liturgy as well as gather our offerings. Ushers assist in ensure a safe procession for the assembly to receive Holy Communion. At the conclusion of mass, ushers are there to provide church bulletins and a final farewell to parishioners.
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Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
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