Copied to here for now in case you need to reference it
All the documentation for our new web site will be accessible via this page.
Upcoming Features (as of 2/8/13)
Web Administrators
If you have any questions about the web or need help, please contact your assigned web admin as follows:
Commission/GroupWeb Admin Faith FormationAnn Marie ThomasEmailHuman ConcernsKaren StreuEmailParish Life EmailWorshipFrank StarshakEmailParish and CouncilsFrank StarshakEmail
New Web Pages
If you need a new web page, please click here for more information.
Useful Links
To Access the Home Page:Site Via Temporary URL (Home Page):
This is only a temporary URL which we need to use before going "Live".
To Logon to the Site:
To Access the Documentation on the Site:
Style Sheet Guidelines
When editing pages, the following guidelines should be used when applying Style Sheets (Formatting Styles).
Heading 3
Main Heading to be used within Main Content, Featured Content and Secondary Content sections.
Font: Georgia, Color: #4275a7
Heading 4
Sub Heading to be used within Main Content, Featured Content and Secondary Content sections. This should only be used if your content has three levels – Heading 3, Heading 4, and Heading 6. Otherwise, only Heading3 and Heading 6 should be used.
Font: Georgia, Color: #4275a7
Heading 6
Sub Heading to be used within Main Content, Featured Content and Secondary Content sections.
Used for the event date line within the Upcoming Events section.
Used for the event item line within the Upcoming Events section.
Used for the event location line within the Upcoming Events section.
Used for all "body" text within all sections.
Image (Picture) Guidelines
Image Dimensions
The following image dimensions should be set when placing images within your pages as follows:
Page Images
The main image that top of the right-hand column for Commission, Ministry, and General pages.
Width: 280 pixels, Height: any
Main Content Area Images
Any images within the Main Content area (i.e., the column to the right of the Nav Bar column). The maximum width of this column is 460 pixels.
Width: 460 pixels (maximum, but can be smaller), Height: any
Ministry Index Page Icons
The icons used within any of the Ministry Index pages.
Width: 60 pixels, Height: 60 pixels
Home Page, Main Images
The main image(s) on the Home page.
Current image height is 280 pixels. If multiple images are used, all images should be the same height.
Width: 760 pixels, Height: any
Home Page, Parish Highlight Images
The images in the right column on the Home page.
Width: 158 pixels, Height: any
Home Page, Watermark Images
The watermark image at the bottom of the Home page. Current image height is 129 pixels.
Width: 610 pixels, Height: any
Home Page, Content Column Images
While we do not generally use images within the content columns, in some rare instances, they are needed.
Width: 276 pixels, Height: any
Nav Bar Image
The image below the Nav Bar in the left column (currently the Mission statement).
This column is 160 pixels wide; the menus are 140 pixels wide; the Mission image is 142 pixels wide.
Max image width can be up to 160.
Width: 142 pixels, Height: any
Image Sizes
The actual image size of the raw image (height and width) should be 2 times the dimensions shown. This is because the newer mobile devices (e.g., iPhone, iPad, etc.) support the display of greater detail. For example, even though we will set the width of the main page image to 280 pixels, the width of the actual image should be 560 pixels.
Image Formats
The following image file formats should be used.
jpeg, jpg
This file format should be used for all photographs. Also, any images coming from a digital camera should be compressed to reduce the file size of that image.
This file format should be used for computer graphics and clip art.
File Guidelines
Folder Structure
The following file folders are to be used for the documents and images. Individual folders are available for each major group or commission and should be used as described below. You can view these folders by using the File Browser (Images & Files menu item).
Council documents and images
Admin Use Only – Do Not Use
Faith Formation Commission/Ministries documents and images
For all other documents and images
Home page documents and images (does not include Slideshow images)
Human Concerns Commission/Ministries documents and images
Admin Use Only – Do Not Use
Parish page documents and images
Parish Life Commission/Ministries documents and images
Stewardship documents and images
Web Site related documentation
Worship Commission/Ministries documents and images
Within each of the folders listed above, there are individual sub-folders for "documents" and "images". Pictures and Images should be placed in the "images" folder. All other documents should be placed in the "documents" folder.
File Formats
Email Links
When creating an Email Link, the following guidelines should be followed. In the example below, the email link is being created for John Smith whose email address is and this link is being placed on the Respect for Life Ministry page under the "Join Us" section.
Within the Link dialog box, the "E-Mail Address" field should contain BOTH the name of the person AND their email address; the "Subject" field should reference the page that contains this link. In this example, it should be specified as follows:
Document Links and Standards
Within our site, we can upload documents and create links to those documents from our pages. The following sections related to our procedures and standards for these documents.
All Documents Should Be PDFs
Whenever you are uploading a document to our site, this document should be a PDF. We want to avoid uploading any documents in their native format - e.g., Word, Excel, Powerpoint.
If you do not have the document in PDF format, you can use the following site to convert your document to PDF format for free -
If you are having trouble creating a PDF, you can send your document to the Web Admin who supports your Commission or group and they can convert it to PDF format for you.
Creating a Link to a Document (already uploaded)
When editing a page, within any CKEditor field you can easily create a link to a document as follows:
Uploading a Document (from your computer)
After logging on to the site, you can upload documents from your computer as follows:
NOTE: You can upload a document at the same time you are creating the link to the document.
Document Naming Conventions
Whenever we have a lot of people uploading files, we need to have a basic system for placing and naming the files so that we can tell which files belong to which groups and pages.
When naming your documents, you should use the following conventions:
Within any page (General or Ministry), the Featured Content section is used for any "Upcoming Events" that are to be listed on that page. From a consistency standpoint, it is important that these sections are formatted in the same manner across all pages.
Click here for more information about these formatting guidlines.
Training Presentation and Notes
The original training presentation document from November 2012 is located here - Web Site Training Presentation.
Training Exercise
The current training notes document is located here - Web Site Training Notes.
The "Training Exercise" section within this document provides step by step training that can be performed at any time. In this exercise, you will create a sample commission page. Before starting this training, a training page must be created - this page will be specifically for you. If you do not have a training page, contact one of the Web Site Admins to create one for you.
To access your training page, use the following link:<last-name>
(where <last-name> above is your
last name)
Before starting the training, you should download the sample content document located here - Sample Content Document (alternatively, you can also refer to the Sample Training Page).
When you complete the training exercise, your training page should look exactly like the sample content document (or the sample training page).
Also, after you complete the training, you can use this page to try out any other changes that you may be unfamiliar with prior to updating any live content pages on the site.
If you need a new web page, here's what's needed.
If you need a new web page, please review the following information and then send an email to your assigned Web Administrator with the necessary information.
First, determine the type of page that you need - Ministry or General. Refer to the sections below for each type of page.
General Pages
A "general" page is NOT listed in the Ministry Index and is typically used to hold additional information about a Ministry, Event, Activity, etc.
For this page, the following information is needed to create the page:
Ministry Pages
A "ministry" page is owned by a specific Commission and is listed in the Ministry Index (both the commission specific index and the overall ministry index).
For this page, the following information is needed to create the page:
For an "Index Only" Ministry page, you will need to mark this page as "Not Published" in the page settings (at the bottom of the Edit screen).
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Contact Us
2525 N Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
F: 847-394-5226
Web Access: