Middle School Ministry (OPTIONS)

middle school ministry

OPTIONS is the Youth Ministry program for students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.


  • Due to Covid-19 rules for gathering and to the change in confirmation from 10th grade to 8th grade, OMT is temporarily suspended for the 2020-21 school year.

What is OMT?

OMT is the OPTIONS Ministry Team. This is our afternoon drop-in for all middle school students. We invite students from 5 middle schools that come for socialization, a lectionary based discussion (we read and discuss the upcoming Sunday's Gospel) and then talk about current events, play games and just be together. Our meetings start after school and end in time for to go home for dinner.  All are welcome! This group has been involved in many parish functions including

  • Feed My Starving Children: We try to go to this most worthy facility at least twice a year to package food for the hungry in our world.
  • Project Heifer: During Lent, we collect our loose change to "Make a Change" through this organization.
  • Movie days: During the Christmas break and once in a while, during our Wednesday meetings.
  • Santa Elves: We are the elves who help Santa at the Pancake Breakfast in December.
  • Ushers: The 5:30 Sunday Liturgy has middle and high school ushers.
  • And much, much more.

Youth Ministry

Be sure to check out the Youth Ministry for more activities. There are many things that are open to Middle Schoolers as well as our High School students.

Upcoming Events

Options Ministry Team
Monday afternoons 
Teen Center, 4:30-5:45 PM

For more information on this program or any other of our Youth Ministry events, please contact Nancy Holpuch, Youth Minister at St. Edna Parish.

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