The annual Kairos Retreat is being planned for January 14-17, 2022. This retreat is for High School Juniors and Seniors. We are partnering with St. Theresa Parish in Palatine.
The retreat, which is teen led and adult guided, starts Friday afternoon and ends on Monday. You will be staying at the beautiful LaSalle Manor retreat center, away from your normal routine and surrounded by other young people of our Faith Community. All meals are prepared on site and are delicious! And for 2022, the good news is You will not miss any school! We will leave after school on Friday January 14th, and return in the early evening of Monday, January 17th, which is a holiday and non-attendance day for high schoolers.
The cost of the retreat is $285.00 which includes 3 nights lodging, nine meals, all materials, and transportation. Your place will be reserved as soon as your deposit is received. Full payment is due January 4th, 2022. Download the registration form and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible.
Scholarships ARE available - please contact the Youth Ministry Office at either parish.