Our dynamic group of young people who are pivotal in the Youth Ministry at St. Edna Parish.
PMT Drop-In for this fall starts at our usual time of 7 PM and with an 8:30 ending. Activities for this include some prayer, some social, sometimes planed events like movies and games, and always time to just hang out with friends. We have been averaging 25 young people each week. Stop in and see what this is all about!
High school students from six different schools gather regularly and form our Peer Ministry Team. While this group regularly meets on Thursday evenings, they are part of a much bigger picture. Here are some of the ways our Youth Group of High Schoolers, referred to at the Peer Ministry Team, is active and present in our St. Edna Community:
Our weekly meetings start with social time, then we progress to reading the upcoming Sunday's Gospel and discussing the story. We then share prayer intentions, make plans for community service projects, and sometimes, we just sit and talk. And as always, there are lively conversations, sometimes board games or ping pong, and a great group of people to spend some time with!
Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm - Currently on hold. We hope to restart in 2022.
PMT (drop-in for high school students)
Teen Center
For more information on this program or any other of our Youth Ministry events, please contact Nancy Holpuch, Youth Minister at St. Edna Parish.
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2525 N Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
P: 847-398-3362
F: 847-394-5226
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