A Catholic retreat for high school juniors and seniors.
Kairos is our 4 day retreat for High School juniors and seniors. It is "Teen Led and Adult guided." What that means is that those who attended before will be the leaders in the following retreat.
Do you find yourself wondering about what life really means? Do you wonder where God is when things are going crazy for you? Do you just want someone to listen to you? If you are asking questions, praying for answers, and wondering what now, then Kairos 17 is for you! We will spend four days exploring these issues and many more. We can't guarantee answers, but just asking the questions will make a difference in the way you live.
Kairos retreats have been in the Chicago area for many years. This is our 17th! We will again be partnering with St. Theresa Parish in Palatine. The retreat starts Friday afternoon and ends on Monday. You will be staying at the beautiful LaSalle Manor Retreat Center, away from your normal routine and surrounded by other young people of our Faith Community. All meals are prepared on site and are delicious! And for 2022, the good news is you will not miss any school! We will leave after school on Friday January 14th, and return in the early evening of Monday, January 17th, which is a holiday and non-attendance day for high schoolers.
The cost of the retreat is $285.00 which includes 3 night lodging, nine meals, all materials, and transportation. Your place will be reserved as soon as your deposit is received. Full payment is due January 4th, 2022.
Scholarships ARE available - please contact the Youth Ministry Office at either parish.
All information will remain confidential.
Kairos is a structured, peer-led retreat experience in which teens hear witness talks from their peers. It is through listening to these talks, small group discussions, individual reflection, and participation in the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation that those going on the retreat come to a deeper understanding of themselves, their values, and their relationship with God.
Any high school Junior or Senior who is interested in taking some time away from their day-to-day life to reflect on who they are, what they believe, and where they are in their relationship with God should consider attending Kairos. Download the Kairos 17 registration form.
Yes, the retreat brings the retreatants closer to their faith. Of course, this greatly depends on their willingness to open-up and share of themselves. It also depends on how much the leaders share of themselves in the witness talks.
I think so, but I also think that Kairos is just a start. The retreatants have to take what they learn from the retreat and really make an attempt to apply it to their lives. This is why it is so important to continue to gather as a group after the retreat.
I think that the retreatants gain a better sense of themselves, what is important to them, and a better sense of their relationship with God and how much they are loved. I think that this retreat has a very powerful way of healing relationships between teens and their parents, friends and family.
Please note: While this retreat is not limited to Catholic teens, it is important to understand that the process we use is heavily rooted in Catholic sacramental theology. If you are not Catholic, but would like to attend, please know that we will be celebrating the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation while on this retreat.
Kairos 17 Retreatant Registration Form
What to bring - will be added at a later date.
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